World Day for Safety and Health at Work 2020
April 28, 2020
April 28th is World Day for safety and Health at Work and is focused on honouring the workers who died from work related illness and injury by promoting a safe, healthy work environment.

The theme of 2020 is “Stop the Pandemic: Safety and heath at work can save lives”. It is an awareness-raising initiative aimed at drawing public attention on the severity of the issue, and developing a culture of safety and health to help minimize the number of deaths and injuries associated with the job.
Covid-19 has rapidly changed the working environment and has brought with it new workplace practices. The risk of exposure at the work place can be reduced by:
- Ensure proper working hygiene and cleanliness.
- Practicing physical and social distancing.
- When applicable, use personal protective equipment.
To learn more about World Day for Safety and Health at Work, please click here.
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